Team registration closes April 1st, 2025. What does this mean?
After this date you will no longer be able to set up the team in the league for summer. That does not mean you can’t recruit players.
In fact you have the whole of April to finalize your team roster.
The team fees are due in full on May 1st, 2025. So as long as your players are paid, or are on payments by then, and you have a full roster we are good!
April 1st 2025, is also the deadline for team deposits. Without the deposit we can not add your team to the schedule. We need to know how many teams we will have this summer in order to build it (schedule).
Getting the deposit in is easy. All you have to do is pay your own player fees, and get 3-4 other players on the team to do the same.
At this point we just need you to set up the team in the system, and work on getting the deposit in.
You can find all team fees/pricing for summer at this link:
Deadlines are here:
Once you have registered the team in the system, we will create player registration so you can start inviting your players to do their fees. This may take up to 24 hours. (hint: don’t leave things for last minute)
You need to know the number of players you’d like on the roster, we recommend nothing less than 14 and no more than 18 paid players. The sweet spot is 15-16.
At 15 the fees are a little more but you get more ice time, at 16 the fees are a little less and you get one more body so you don’t need to scramble for subs.
Anything more than 18 skaters, and you have way too many players if they all want to play at once (a.k.a playoffs). On the other end of the spectrum, anything less than 14 and you will struggle to filed a team on a weekly basis.
The perfect number of players at a game is 10 and a goalie. You get the most ice time, and the player fees are optimal. Other players can show up as they want to, and at worst with 16 on the roster, you will have 9 forwards, 6 defencemen and 1 goalie at a game.
In reality you hopefully will get 10 and a goalie on average to your games during the summer hockey season (a.k.a the perfect 10 ๐๐๐)